Advantages of membership in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- More info.
With the help of the experts from the Chamber, any company that wishes to do so can receive an invitation and information on the e-mail address indicated by the Court for business events at home and abroad – seminars, trade fairs and fairs, thematic discussions on current business issues, training courses, etc.
- Better public image.
European practice shows that companies that are members of professional associations have a much higher public authority than others. Their membership allows them more useful business contacts, gives them the opportunity to participate in a number of public events and media attention.
- Higher professional qualifications.
Through the participation of your company employees and specialists in re-qualification and qualification courses, thematic business seminars, etc.
- Quick and easy access to useful business information.
Through the consultants of CTR – Blagoevgrad and those of the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Sofia, you will have the opportunity to consult on all important matters for you and your company.
- Access to interesting business offers.
The Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry issues a weekly newsletter with offers from our and foreign companies. These useful offers can be reached through our web site and the BCCI website.
- More friends and business partners.
Successful people can not only be good businessmen, good partners, but also good friends. Through the contacts you will have during your participation in various business seminars, discussion forums and public meetings, you will create new and useful contacts, win friends and a new company image.
- Up-to-date information on announced donor programs,
funded by our and European financial institutions – the Phare program, the World Bank for Development, the Ministry of Economy and Energy, the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests.
- Opportunities for more active public participation
in addressing some of the issues that directly or indirectly affect the interests of entrepreneurs from the region or region concerned.
- Free ad on the Web site of the court.
Each member of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry has the practical opportunity to submit for free for 3 months on its WEB page / up to 50 sq. M. or up to 600 characters / ad business card.
- Assistance and consultancy assistance from the Court
for the issuance of a digital signature certificate, preparation of documents for the introduction of quality management systems – ISO 9001 and 14001, registration and protection of the brand, etc.
- Legalization of your firm papers
and assistance for the registration of objects in the field of intellectual property – trademarks, company marks, specimens, etc.
Membership in Blagoevgrad Chamber of Commerce and Industry is voluntary
Membership of the Chamber requires the following documents: