Within the project “Handicrafts and social economy: A driver for socially inclusive growth in the CB region”, acronym “SocialCrafts” under the Interreg V-A Program “Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020”, grant contract: B2.9c.02 / 31.10.2017, a 4-day seminar was organized in Blagoevgrad for 30 participants from the target group in the period 24-27.06.2019. Representatives of Blagoevgrad and Simitli municipalities, representatives of social services directorates, managers of day care centers for people with disabilities, users of social services, social bargains and representatives of local businesses participated. During the seminars, good practices from Spain, good practices of Blagoevgrad Municipality and Simitli Municipality were presented. A social enterprise was presented from the Association of Southwest Municipalities, with the assistance of which all the participants were given a book entitled “Guidebook for institutional framework of social enterprises’ operation and types of social enterprises in Greece and Bulgaria” produced under the Act Social Project. Other topics covered during the seminars were: Social Entrepreneurship – Good Practices in Bulgaria, New Horizons for the Social Economy and Establishing new handicrafts social enterprises.